What workout may take the place of the Glute Ham Raise?

I’ve recently switched to Wendler’s 5/3/1 program after a year of Starting Strength, and I’m encountering Glute Ham Raises for the first time. The bodyweight assistance version of the program includes them, but my gym doesn’t have a GHR device. I’m a novice lifter and unsure of alternatives. They do have a hamstring curl machine, but that doesn’t seem suitable.

Currently, I’m improvising with a folded foam pad and hooking my legs under a bar against the wall. It’s not ideal, so I’d appreciate any advice from fittit on alternative exercises or setups.

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You can perform exercises that have similar benefits, such as the ,Romanian deadlift, good morning, hip thrust, Nordic curl, leg curl, hyperextension, and Swiss ball leg curl.

No worries! Starting Wendler’s 5/3/1 program is awesome, and the good news is there are definitely alternatives to the Glute Ham Raise (GHR) that you can do at your gym.

Romanian Deadlifts (RDLs): Works similar muscles, beginner-friendly, allows adding weight.

  • Nordic Hamstring Curls with Stability Ball: Bodyweight exercise targeting hamstrings, good control challenge.

Talk to a trainer at your gym for more options or modifications. Focus on form and gradually increase intensity to keep making progress!

The best answer is Nordic curls, for Nordic curls, start with a lat pulldown bench or something sturdy. Hold a barbell for balance in the beginning (you might ditch it later). Check out John Meadows’ video for the proper form.