Is $450 to $500 a good price for replacing the alternator? I’m not sure if it’s too expensive. I would do it myself, but I don’t trust myself yet. I want to wait until I have a second car so I can take my time to learn properly.
Good call leaving it to the professionals.
And Yes, $450-$500 is a good budget for replacing it as many mechanics seem to charge between $400 and $500 for the new parts and labour.
If an alternator is replaced by a professional mechanic, the estimated cost of $450 to $500 sounds realistic. DIY is excellent for learning, but don’t do it until you’re comfortable. It makes sense to learn on a second automobile.
The price is decent, but not particularly high. 30% markup on the alternator, if the shop receives further list discount and the alternator is an OEM alternator. Work on such project takes about three hours, possibly four if problems arise, and possibly even less if it has been completed previously. Now is the perfect moment to repair your thermostat, flush your coolant, and replace your radiator hoses. You ought to simply be charged for the parts.