Looking for TrailBase alternatives... any suggestions?

I’ve been exploring TrailBase as an open-source application server with type-safe APIs and real-time data capabilities. It seems pretty cool, but I’m curious if there are better alternatives out there. I know it’s built on Rust, SQLite, and V8, but what else is similar? I’d love to hear about other web servers or frameworks that could work just as well or even better for my needs. Anyone have experiences or recommendations?

I’ve tried Socket.io, and it works really well. It’s free and open-source, plus it has great real-time capabilities. Definitely worth checking out.

I’ve had good luck with NGINX Unit. It’s super versatile for different types of applications and can handle dynamic content well.

Apache Tomcat is another option. It’s been around forever and has a solid community behind it. It might not have some of the newer features, but it’s reliable.

Don’t forget about JBoss and Jetty. They both have their strengths and could be good alternatives depending on what you need.