Looking for an alternative to Watchpeopledie or Liveleak

Hey guys, just curious if anyone knows any alternatives to Watchpeopledie or Liveleak? Not because I find it funny, but it’s more of a morbid curiosity. I already know about r/CrazyFuckingVideos, but I’m looking for something a bit more NSFL if anyone has suggestions?

Maybe try r/Whatcouldgowrong? It’s not as extreme but might have some of what you’re looking for.

That’s pretty tame compared to what OP is asking. I think they’re looking for the really dark stuff like gore and beheadings.

Yeah, true. There are some specific subs for gore, but I won’t promote them here.

Check out r/definitely_not_gore, might be what you’re looking for.

Thanks for finding this after two months! Really appreciate the suggestion.

r/NSFL__ could be another one you might want to check out.

Wait, r/Watchpeopledie is gone?

Yeah, it got removed a while back. People have been looking for alternatives ever since.