Looking for Alternatives to the Leg Press

I’m looking for effective alternatives to the leg press machine for working out my legs. I want to mix things up and target my lower body with different exercises, but I don’t always have access to a leg press machine.

What are some great alternatives that can help build strength and muscle in the same way the leg press does? I’m interested in both gym equipment and bodyweight exercises that can offer a similar or even better workout.

Any recommendations or tips would be appreciated. :wink:

For leg press work I’ve always done high bar narrow stance back squats, because in my mind leg press is supposed to be massively quad dominant and easy on the back so high bar Keeps you nice and vertical and the narrow stance keeps it in the quads

I personally feel like squats and plunges work better than leg press. Maybe you should try those. Or alternatively you could reach out to a fitness instructor for more guidance.