Looking for alternatives to Mobilism.org... any suggestions?

Hey guys, I’m searching for some good alternatives to Mobilism.org, specifically for e-book libraries. I know LibriVox is a popular choice, but I’d love to hear what else is out there. Any recommendations?

LibriVox is great for free audiobooks! They have a huge selection of public domain books.

I love LibriVox. Do they have anything other than audiobooks?

Not really, it’s mostly audiobooks. But they’re all free and well-narrated!

Another option to consider is Project Gutenberg. They have a massive collection of free eBooks.

I’ve used Project Gutenberg before! It’s awesome for classic literature.

If you’re looking for something more modern, try Bookboon. They have free textbooks and business books.

That sounds interesting! Are the books really free, or are there some costs?

Most are free, but they do have some premium content you can pay for.

Have you checked out Open Library? It’s like a library for eBooks, and it’s free!

Open Library is cool! They have a huge variety of genres too.

I also heard Scribd is a good option, but it’s subscription-based. Worth it if you read a lot.