Looking for a Samourai Wallet Alternative

Hi y’all

I’ve been using Samourai Wallet on my Android for quite a while, but since it was shut down, I’ve been left without a reliable wallet. I’m now on the hunt for an alternative that meets my needs.

What I really liked about Samourai was having control over my own keys, the ability to manage my coins, and connecting through TOR for added security. I’m looking for something that offers similar features, as those aspects gave me peace of mind while using the wallet.

I’m not interested in Lightning or any extra features—just a straightforward wallet where I can import my private keys and operate without needing to run a node. It’s important to me that my IP isn’t permanently linked to my UTXOs, and I’d prefer something that’s user-friendly since I’m moderately experienced with crypto but not a total newbie.

Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated :blush:

For Android, a fantastic BTC-only wallet is MyCelium. Additionally, you can import wallets. To assist fund the wallet’s development and support, it does contain some partnerships and advertisements, however, you may disable them altogether in the Settings.

You might want to check out Wasabi Wallet—it’s pretty solid for privacy and lets you manage your keys without extra fuss. It’s also got TOR support built-in. Another option is Electrum. It’s straightforward, lets you import your private keys, and isn’t too complicated for experienced users.

Check out Coin Wallet; it supports BYOD hardware keys and runs on all systems.