Looking for a Google OneNote Alternative

Hello guys…

I’ve been using Google OneNote for a while now, but I’m starting to feel like it doesn’t quite meet my needs anymore. I’m looking for an alternative that offers similar features but perhaps with a different interface or additional functionality.

I primarily use it for note-taking, organizing ideas, and collaborating on projects with classmates. It’s important that whatever I choose is easy to use, syncs across devices, and allows for collaboration.

Does anyone have recommendations for good alternatives to Google OneNote? :wink:

I love how Evernote syncs seamlessly across all my devices, so I can access my notes anytime, anywhere. The collaboration tools are robust, allowing me to share notes and work on projects with classmates efficiently.

I moved from Onedrive to Obsidian after figuring out how to move my notebooks there.

Notion has quickly become my go to for both note taking and project management. Its customizable interface and rich feature set make it ideal for organizing ideas, collaborating with others and managing tasks, all within a single platform.