Has anyone else actually begun to enjoy grocery shopping?

When I was at university and just moved out, money was tight, so I had to budget strictly and meal prep, making grocery shopping stressful and tedious. I was new to cooking and lacked experience, which made shopping more expensive as I couldn’t take advantage of specials.

In recent years, I’ve come to enjoy grocery shopping. With a better job, the financial pressure is less, and I now shop on my days off, avoiding the rush. I often shop during quiet times and don’t always listen to music. I plan meals but am flexible enough to adapt to good specials.

I also take extra time to walk to the shops and enjoy a coffee afterward. The walk with groceries is good exercise, and I don’t mind it taking longer than driving.

I know many people still find grocery shopping stressful due to financial pressures and rising costs, but I feel fortunate to have the flexibility to enjoy it. Does anyone else find grocery shopping relaxing or stressful, and what strategies do you use to make it more enjoyable?

I see grocery shopping as a bit of a game, where I balance nutritional value, quantity, spoilage, and variety. I also consider elements of delight and health, like cacao chocolate for its minerals and my craving for double-chocolate ice cream.

Grocery shopping at big-box stores is incredibly frustrating, especially at Walmart when their employees are also shopping with huge carts for order pick-ups.

That sounds just like my experience at Kroger. You can’t walk down an aisle without running into those huge pick-up carts, usually being pushed by frowning, disgruntled employees.

No, I’m 54 and I still don’t enjoy it. I’m also really tired of cooking after doing it for years. I watch short recipe videos on social media for inspiration and motivation to make meal prep a bit more exciting.

I feel the same way; I really enjoy it. I take my time strolling around and love meal prepping and finding good deals.