Would you stick with a challenging job that you find fulfilling and love, despite the stress, or would you choose an easier job that you’re not passionate about or don’t care for the product?
I left my full-time nonprofit job, despite the good pay, benefits, and my passion for the mission, because I was burnt out and constantly overworked.
I’d leave the stressful job without hesitation. My job doesn’t define me, and I find passion and connection in other areas of my life.
I stuck with the tough job through my 20s and 30s, but now in my 40s, I’m all for easier roles with less responsibility, even if they’re still technical.
I chose the easier job and channel my passion into volunteer work that isn’t required but makes me feel like I’m doing something worthwhile.
I don’t mind hard work, but if it’s too stressful, I prefer taking the easier route. Stress can really diminish the quality of life.