Best alternative for leg extensions?

Unfortunately, my gym lacks a leg extension machine, which is unusual given that it is quite well-equipped.

What are your favourite alternatives?


Any unilateral exercise, such as hack squats, belt squats, pendulum squats, split squats, lunges, and reverse lunges. Goblet squats with heels lifted. Bands can also be used to simulate leg xt.

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Reverse nordics would be the closest substitute in terms of the leg extension mechanics and muscles used.

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For quad growth, I’ve found that squatting alone is sufficient.

No leg extension machine at the gym? No worries! Here are some awesome alternatives that hit the same muscles:

  • Bodyweight: Squats and Lunges (classic exercises that work wonders!)
  • Resistance Bands: Ankle Band Leg Extensions (easy to set up and use)
  • Weighted Options: Bulgarian Split Squats (more emphasis on front quad) and Sissy Squats (intense quad workout)

Focus on form, adjust difficulty, and switch things up to keep it interesting!

Talk to a trainer for a personalized plan, but these alternatives will keep your quads burning even without the leg extension machine.