Hey all, I’m wondering if there are any alternatives to Huawei Health for the Honor Band 6? I like the band but not really a fan of the app, so I’m hoping there’s another option out there. Any recommendations?
Good question! I’ve been looking for something similar, but as far as I know, there’s no official alternative app for the Honor Band 6. I guess we’re stuck with Huawei Health for now.
That’s what I was afraid of. Hopefully, they work on something soon!
I think there are third-party apps like Gadgetbridge that might work, but they’re not as fully featured as Huawei Health. It’s worth checking out though if you don’t mind giving up some functionality.
Thanks for the suggestion! I’ll look into Gadgetbridge and see if it does what I need.
There aren’t many alternatives that work well with the Honor Band 6. Most people stick with Huawei Health because of the features, but I agree, it’s not the best app.
Same boat here. I haven’t found a better app yet. It’d be nice if Honor worked on giving us more options!
Not sure about alternatives, but you could try syncing it with Google Fit to at least manage your fitness data in another app.
Interesting, I’ll try syncing with Google Fit and see if it helps. Thanks!