Advice on travel and accommodation for a 2-week trip to the UK

My wife and I are visiting the UK for the first time in late May for two weeks and could use some help with finding the right places to stay and traveling within the UK. I’m not great at planning or organizing trips, and this is our first long journey, so I’m open to all suggestions.

Here’s our current plan:

  • London (4 days): Is Shoreditch a good area to stay?
  • Travel to Bath (1-2 days)
  • Then either:
    • Back to London (1 day) and up to York (2 days)
    • Or from Bath to Manchester (1-2 days)
    • Or from Bath to Liverpool (1-2 days)
  • From one of these, head to Edinburgh (3-4 days)
  • Fly to Belfast (2-3 days)

We’ll spend another week in Ireland, but that’s for another post.

Accommodation: We’re in our mid-30s with some disposable income, so we’re looking for decent places in great neighborhoods. We’re open to various lodging options, but no hostels or couch-surfing.

Travel: What’s the best way to get around? We’re considering the Two Together Railcard, but unsure if it covers all our destinations. We’d prefer not to rent a car, but we’re open to it if necessary.

Any recommendations on our plan are appreciated. Thanks!

Your plan is definitely doable without a car. A Two Together Railcard will work on all rail services after 9:30 a.m. Book your train tickets now for the best prices. For the Tube, use a contactless card or Apple/Android Pay to tap in and out. Each person will need their own card, and it will cap at a daily limit.

I would visit London, Bath, York, and Edinburgh, but skip Liverpool and Manchester.

Traveling from London to Bath by train is simple. Just head to Paddington, as Bath is on the main line to Bristol. The station is close to the city center, with all major sights within a mile’s walk. While I don’t have specific accommodation recommendations, Bath doesn’t have any bad neighborhoods.

It’s difficult to recommend a place since individual preferences vary, but generally, if you choose a 4-star or higher, you should be satisfied.