Trump proposes the idea of granting Vladimir Putin whatever he desires

This is his typical way of “negotiating.” He’s only interested in making a deal—any deal—or even just creating the impression of one. Then he’ll repeatedly boast about how amazing it is.

It’s like when he “negotiated” with the Taliban by simply handing over everything they asked for, or when he met with Kim Jong Un and acted like it was anything more than a photo opportunity.

He’s shallow, self-absorbed, and clueless.

Trump’s advisors stated that if he wins in November, he would initiate discussions between the two countries that would essentially pressure Ukraine into surrendering some of its territory currently held by Russian forces.

This plan’s clear advantage for Russia has reignited worries about Trump’s well-known accommodating—and occasionally submissive—relationship with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Alright then. Elect Trump and say farewell to Poland.

Right, Republicans?

“There’s never been a president as tough on Russia as I have been.” - The softest, most spineless person to ever take office, said on July 18, 2018.

I’m very glad that Zelenskyy didn’t have a meeting with him during his visit.