I’ve been using Seam Social to connect with other creatives and share my work, but I’m curious if there are other platforms that offer similar features. I love how it lets you build miniapps and earn points without ads or algorithms. I know there are over ten alternatives available on various platforms like web, Android, and iOS. I heard DeviantArt is a popular choice and it’s free, which is awesome. Other options I found include Layers, pixiv, Behance, and Dribbble. Have any of you tried these? I’d love to know which ones are worth checking out.
DeviantArt is a classic. I’ve used it for years, and there’s a huge community there. Have you checked it out yet?
Layers has a cool interface and is great for collaboration. I really like how it emphasizes community interaction.
Pixiv is fantastic, especially for anime and manga artists. The community is really supportive and creative.
Behance is great for showcasing your portfolio. It’s more professional, so it’s perfect if you want to attract clients.
Dribbble is another awesome platform. It’s really geared towards designers and has a vibrant community.